Equity Council is a consortium of designers and design industry professionals. Though Equity Council was formed within the IIDA NY Chapter, it is intended to function as an independent, open and inclusive body of participants who may or may not be members of IIDA. Our goal is for chapters of Equity Council to be seeded throughout all regional chapters of IIDA and provide a global network of resources for JEDI work within the design industry.
Four Pillars of the Design Industry Pledge
Culture of Inclusion
We will create an inclusive culture that incorporates equity in all the ways we work, interact and design. We will ensure that all in our community are thriving, centering on Black, Indigenous and Latinx people while also including Asian Americans, Arab Americans and other people of color. We know this is the foundational building block for all JEDI progress. We will implement best practices and measure our progress by creating a JEDI strategic action plan that promotes a more inclusive culture.
Building a diverse industry requires assessing the racial and cultural diversity of our teams across our organizations, from entry level to the C-suite. We will increase diversity by creating equitable hiring practices and by making more opportunities accessible and available, centering on Black, Indigenous and Latinx people who are most under-represented, while also including Asian Americans, Arab Americans and other POC who also face exclusion. We will ensure clear pathways and support for the advancement of all employees who identify as POC.
We will provide education and JEDI training to all employees on key concepts and practices necessary for building an antiracist culture and inclusive organization. Building our capacity to do this work will require regular and ongoing JEDI training.
We will implement communication practices that elevate JEDI, both within our organization and outwardly to clients and the broader industry. Being transparent about the work we are doing will help us hold ourselves accountable.
JEDI Resources
Here are some best practices with resources to help you begin or continue your JEDI and racial equity work. We encourage your team to do their own research which in itself is an educational process and can help you better identify resources most useful for your organization or company.
Culture of Inclusion
Conduct salary and benefits parity review and adjust to address disparities.
Implement structures to measure level of employee satisfaction, safety and inclusion.
Establish mentoring matches for all employees and interns who identify as POC.
Implement surveys and manager reviews to measure changes in employee practice and mindset.
Consider affinity groups, lunch and learns and other opportunities for employee engagement and training around racial equity & JEDI.
Collect, analyze and be transparent with recruitment and hiring data.
Train all employees on unconscious bias and all staff involved in recruiting and hiring.
Establish recruiting relationships at state and community colleges, HBCUs and with POC-focused professional networks.
Develop a list of potential collaborators, consultants and businesses who are or are owned by people who identify as POC, Black, Indigenous or Latinx – and expand the number with which we partner.
Education and JEDI training are necessary practices for building an antiracist culture and inclusive organization. The following is a list of consultants, facilitators, and workshops
Host organization-wide meetings quarterly, to discuss racial equity topics.
Incorporate commitment to DEI and racial equity on your website and other marketing materials.
Communications resources:
Sponsor one of our four annual Equity Council workshops today!